Global Outreach


Short-term mission teams are frequently being prepared for ministry in Haiti, subject to conditions in that country. Contact your local church for information on the upcoming team preparation meetings.


  • We maintained a good relationship with now-retired Superintendent Oliam Richard and supported and encouraged his leadership from the start of our work in Haiti in 2000 until his retirement in 2019.  Pastor Supreme Jean-Louis was elected Superintendent of the work at the annual convention August 9-11, 2019.
  • After the terrible tragedy of the 2010 Earthquake, we were able to provide immediate relief (thanks in great part to the generosity of the US and Canadian donations "above and beyond" our normal giving). Our well-designed Delmas 33 conference centre and church was not damaged. We have assisted in the rebuilding of one of the flattened Citie Soleil churches and have started several more church constructions.
  • Our partnership with CH Global has been very successful, with several schools started, micro-loans given and 200+ children sponsored.
  • We are thrilled to see our American friends from King Street Church in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania getting involved with the Arcahaie and Gonaives churches.
  • We were amazed to see the unfolding story of Hermmy, a young girl from one of our new church plants in Haiti come to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto with a devastating heart defect. Unable to climb a flight of stairs without gasping, she is now healthy, thriving and growing tall at home, a normal girl who is very thankful.
  • We have begun a partnership with Dr. Robinson Germain, a young physician who lost all his family and home in the earthquake. Dr. Germain currently is living in Canada, but still oversees medical ministry to the remote, impoverished village of Grand Seline.  Dr. Germain returned to Grand Saline and the Cayes area recently to hold medical clinics.

Global Ministries

  • We currently support Brian and Rachel Glunt and their family in Chiang Rai, Thailand, who have concluded their first missionary term. They were busy learning the language and getting involved in a local church. While on home assignment in 2024 they connected with supporters and returned to return to Thailand this fall to work out of the new Community Center.


  • Fraser Churchill with Operation Mobilization writes: "I travel overseas every month for 10 days but after this trip I will be home for 3 months with ‘no travel’.  My last trip was 14 days in Haiti with our ship Logos hope. Most of my ministry is speaking, conference and mentoring our field leaders in ministry growth and sustainability. Currently I work with 30 of them in the Africa region, Southeast Asia and South and Central America."
  • Rick Tyler in June 2022 retired from his work with the Christian Mission Resource Centre, supporting pastors and evangelists in Peru and Cuba.
  • We have had several people involved in longer Missions Trips, several months to more than a year (Kara-Lynn Ferguson, Kristie Korten, Caitlyn Sippel, etc.).

Levels of Involvement

1. Local Church Representative

  • act as liaison between the Global Outreach LT and your church
  • pass on Global Outreach LT information to your church
  • bring ideas and news of your church's missions and outreach projects to the Global Outreach LT
  • attend an annual meeting with other church representatives
  • optionally attend any of the general and working group meetings

Read More: Levels of Involvement

Missionary Support Policy

The Global Outreach Leadership Team (GOLT) and the local churches of The United Brethren Church in Canada want to encourage its members to take part in short-term mission trips, as well as working within their own areas to reach out to those who need to know Jesus. We also want to encourage those led by God to consider longer term mission work. The United Brethren Church in Canada as part of our participation U.B. Global would also encourage our members to consider becoming United Brethren missionaries, working directly with the U.B. Global.

Read More: Missionary Support Policy

Missions Travel Fund

The committee will make funds available for travel to and from long-term or short-term foreign (and no-USA) mission assignments.
Teaching/evangelism assignments will be given priority, with possible consideration given to maintenance/work assignments. These funds may be made available to:

  • a maximum of 3 people per assignment
  • persons who are age 20 and older, and
  • who are members in good standing and/or actively serving in a Canadian United Brethren Church.

On their return, we request that recipients of these funds report their experiences to their home church, the Mission Travel Fund committee, and if possible, the Conference.

Written applications are invited.
The form can be downloaded below, along with the above text to pass on to others:

Missions Travel Fund application


Evelyn Hallman Estate Fund

The Evelyn Hallman Estate Fund Committee administers funds from a bequest.
The committee will make funds available for students going on long-term or short-term mission assignments.
Guidelines for application are as follows:

Only students may apply.
The students must have a recommendation from a United Brethren pastor or church leader (youth leader or …).
The mission trip may be at home or abroad.
Details of the trip and follow up will be requested.
The application should be sent to the WMF treasurer.
Older students (over 20 years of age) who are taking on leadership/adult responsibilities on a mission trip should apply to the Mission Travel Fund for assistance (see above).
All Applications will be considered.

Application forms can be obtained from UB pastors/churches or downloaded from our website:

Evelyn Hallman Estate Fund - Info

Evelyn Hallman Estate Fund - Application