1. Local Church Representative
- act as liaison between the Global Outreach LT and your church
- pass on Global Outreach LT information to your church
- bring ideas and news of your church's missions and outreach projects to the Global Outreach LT
- attend an annual meeting with other church representatives
- optionally attend any of the general and working group meetings
2. Member of one of the Global Outreach LT working groups
- attend all general meetings and your working group meetings
- contribute to the goals of your working group
- keep your own church in the loop on what the Global Outreach LT is working on
3. Leader of one of the Global Outreach LT working groups
- attend all general meetings and your working group meetings
1. Global Outreach Leadership Team General Meetings
- Need to be there: Global Outreach Leadership Team Leader, Working Group Leaders
- Optional: Working Group members, Local Church Representatives
- Every two months
- To check in with the working group's progress, make decisions based on their recommendations
- Review mandate and goals of the group: are we making progress?
- Receive Updates from the Executive Leadership Team, US Global Ministries LT
2. Working Group Meetings
- Need to be there: Working Group Leaders, Working Group Members
- Optional: Global Outreach Team Leader, Local Church Representatives
- Frequency to be determined by the working group
- Plan and execute projects and tasks to accomplish the goals of the Working Group (focus area)
- Prepare to report back at the General Meetings
3. Annual Church Representatives Forum
- Need to be there: Working Group Leaders, Working Group Members, Global Outreach Team Leader, Local Church Representatives
- Optional: anyone from the conference
- Annual
- Listen to feedback from local church representatives
- Provide useful information to local church representatives
- Optionally this may be extended to welcome everyone from the conference (i.e. A Missions Day, etc.)